Imag­ine a world where 54 dis­tinct coun­tries are seen as one

the dam­age done

In an age of col­o­niza­tion

Where cap­i­tal­ism and indus­tri­al­iza­tion

Only sur­vived on the backs of these coun­tries sub­ju­ga­tion

Imag­ine a world where 54 dis­tinct coun­tries are seen as one

When a pub­lic fig­ure from one speaks, the oth­er coun­tries quake

Hop­ing the indi­vid­ual does not make a mis­take

This is their chance for the main­stream to let them have a say

There is pres­sure to pre­vent this rare oppor­tu­ni­ty from wast­ing away

Don’t make a make a mis­take, Don’t make a make a mis­take

There is a tar­get on the soul

Of any­one who refec­tion poor­ly on the whole

You don’t speak for one per­son, one com­mu­ni­ty, one coun­try, any­more

You are tasked with the respon­si­bil­i­ty of rep­re­sent­ing the 54

In this world where 54 dis­tinct coun­tries are seen as one

Paint­ed as inter­twined

Bor­der lines are no longer well defined

In the eyes of those who view 54 voic­es as one

If you lis­ten care­ful­ly, the voic­es can be found

There sound, pro­found

Wait­ing for realease 

Echo­ing in their mind, hum­ming in the head

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